"In nature, there is no prize nor punishment. Only consequences." Do all the Chileans feel as concerned as this writer about the environment? Not so sure about it, it may not be their number one concern...
Am I standing on the platform or am I inside the subway train? The express service was down, "green-line" customers had to share the metro with the "red-line" customers...and everything went rather well, I have to say. But it would be nice if it didn't happen again, thanx.
Are we almost done with the rain, the cold, the grey and the wind? On this beautiful and warm Saturday afternoon, it sure does look like it. Let's just not get our hopes too high too quickly, however. A 65 year-old Chilean plumber (whose name is not Mario) told me yesterday that we still had a good month of winter ahead of us...Please for once, may the ancients and their experience be wrong!
XXIst century in a southamerican country, so westernised in terms of...well...almost everything...but still so middle-age when it comes to women and woman's right of deciding what she wants to do with her own body. In Chile, abortion is a crime and therefore, punished...heavily.
Elections are coming up...Beginning of 2010 will see the dawn of the era "post-Bachelet". Chilean Constitution doesn't allow a President to be candidate again right away. And if Michele Bachelet did pretty good for her country, the 3 main candidates and potential presidents are trying hard to seduce the young audience...who is just not interested in voting.
The rain eventually stopped. Santiago's atmosphere is clean, cleaner than it has been in a very long time...And the contrast between the great blue sky and the spotless white snow on the surrounding mountains is absolutely mesmerizing... It is just a perfect ski day.